Business & Leadership Coaching
Personal development and leadership coaching (one-on -one) for senior leaders.
In order to earn the moral authority to lead and inspire your people to motivate themselves, you need to be able to demonstrate an ability to transform yourself and remove those obstacles that are standing in your way.
While most coaches focus on either life coaching or leadership coaching, we are unique in how we link personal growth to business leadership.We don’t coach based on theory, but on decades of hard-won business lessons.
This four phase coaching involves self-discovery and awareness, leaving your comfort zone, removing obstacles that hinder your growth, and plotting the road map to an exceptional you.
These one-on-one coaching sessions can either be done online or face to face depending on your needs.
Private Sessions
We recommend a minimum of 4-6 sessions (60 min each), with continuation at your discretion.


Culture Driven Leadership Workshops for middle managers and supervisors.
Building on from your personal leadership journey, the principles of Culture-Driven Leadership are based on decades of experience growing market-leading businesses across different sectors.Our goal is to build leaders to navigate the South African social, political, and economic landscape, which we know is a highly volatile melting pot of diversity. In order to earn the moral authority to lead and to become a positive influence in your life and your work, you need to be able to demonstrate an ability to transform yourself and remove those obstacles that are standing in your way. Through building a solid foundation of upliftment and common purpose, your business will thrive.
These one-on-one coaching sessions can either be done online or face to face.
These half-day leadership workshops include the following:
The principles of Culture-Driven Leadership – The Moral Authority to Lead.
Servant Leadership - Serving the people who are serving the people.
Placing the customer at the centre of your world.
Showing commitment to the growth of your people.
Building a sense of belonging and common purpose in the community.
Creating a place of safety in which people feel free to speak without fear.
Building a culture of inclusivity amongst all the different races, religions, and genders.
Courageous dialogues.
Learn how to have those conversations you dread having and increase individual and collective performance by creating a culture of feedback.
Studies tell us that upward of 70% of leaders hate giving feedback and equally dread receiving it. Yet, the ability to effectively give and receive feedback is a vital skill required in order for the Culture-Driven leader to earn the moral authority to lead.
Who wouldn’t want relationships to be strengthened, issues to be timeously raised and solved, ideas and innovations to emerge and performance to continuously increase?
Why wait for an annual performance appraisal to try and awkwardly navigate conversations that occur too late to have any impact?
Leaders who are able to effectively and respectfully give feedback
Leaders who can receive feedback and create a place of safety in which their people are free to speak without fear, demonstrate a willingness to learn which enables their own growth and allows them to earn the trust and respect of their people.
This is a 3-module workshop that includes the following:
Explore the link between Culture-Driven Leadership and Courageous Conversations
Discover how to elicit feedback from your people, and how to effectively respond
Learn how to confidently deliver effective feedback
Create a culture of continuous feedback, in which people are free to speak without fear